Thursday, May 8, 2008

I Trust


I enjoy the blossoms of friendship and the luscious fruits they yield into.

Frank Note*

I signed on for two more weeks at my job in Santa Rosa. I am trusting that a deeply heart-inspiring place to live will emerge for our stay here for at least 2 - 4 more weeks. This is an adventure.

I welcome you! I recently invited the folks on the Wacco board ( that helps community members know of events and make connections in Sonoma and Marin to visit this site. If you are new here, I thank you for visiting this blog and welcome you. I invite your courage in posting your affirmations under the little button that says: Comments. it is on the bottom of this post. And thanks. Claudia

I Trust


I trust the universe is assisting me and surrrounding me with compassion and help

I trust my inner resources and outer resources to guide me for my next steps towards worthy goals

Monday, May 5, 2008

A Quick Note About 1/4 Inch Apples, and a Tree Half Dead and Half Full with Leaves

Went to the orchard two days ago seeing crows landing in the rows, and sad to see most of the blossoms gone. Had that just happened in two days or so? I felt like I was in mourning for all my flower friends.

When I looked closer I saw the tiniest 1/8 inch or 1/4 apples starting to grow, and out of the little pentacle that supported the flower petals. Some branches were hanging vertically with all these tiniest apples.

Across the street I ventured, having kept closer when I was new to the area. Another apple orchard. And there was a tree that had been destroyed and was rotting on one horizontal branch side, and the other side was green and full fo leaves and apples.

Frank Corner*

The "disabled" tree gave me hope that even thou there have been some trials and areas that have been...well rotten, that fruit can still thrive on a tree that's not....well, perfect.

* * *

As I walked in the first apple orchard looking at some blossoms still hanging in there among the and seeing that there were after all apples, I found myself crying and then laughing and laughing more and crying a little and telling myself jokes. No one could hear me. Or see me. I checked.


I am good company.

I crack myself up.

I have a funny and good relationship with moi, myself, and I.

I have invited you and some friends I already know who are like apple blossoms - giving life to all on their path, to share some affirmations. I know sometimes they are personal. Please click the tiny comment button after my post when you are wanting to share. I look forward to trying on affirmations you share.

Playing with greetings: Have an awesome moment. Make a mindful moment. Give care.