This morning on waking I found myself thinking of gathering affirmations to make an Affirmation Bank bank book. As a freeby, for now, first I'll share a tip, and then some affirmations, quotes, questions, and a couple of heart-said prayers from the previous blogs… Some of these will be in the bank books which will be available on demand for Yes We Can prices.
As you may know:
You can say affirmations while looking at yourself in a mirror.
One way to work with them is to write the affirmation on one side of a page, and right the resistances to the affirmation on the other, then write the affirmation again, then write resistance, etc... until the resistances run out and the affirmation starts feeling right.
Affirmations can use the words “You”, “I” or use your name, in them.
I totally accept and love myself. I totally need to give credit for this affirmation to a therapist Michelle Barone who works a lot with home-schooling families, and who shared this style of affirmation at a conference. She learned it from a group called EFT started by Gary Craig. The basic format is: Even though__________________ (fill in the blanks)I still deeply accept and love myself.This brings in the Jewish principle that the greatest spirituality is in bringing the highest consciousness to the lowest level. The Jungians also fish for the dark spots, for the deaths that then brink re-births.
Frank Note* I like affirmations that reduce and/or eliminate shame, like this one does.
Example: Even though I didn't get to all my cases at work today, I totally love and accept myself.
Looking forward to seeing your affirmations. Please feel free to make deposits in the comments section, to journal there about interest you are receiving on your affirmations, and to comment on anything you read here. And feel free to make as many withdrawals as you want.
A f f i r m a t i o n s
Even though I cannot do everything perfectly for myself or my loved one, I deeply and totally accept and love myself.
I have learned in recent years that my faults, the defects that keep me from creating the work I want to do, are not flaws or failures. They are wounds. The merest shift in the word shifts attitude. As failure, flaws, defects, I want to crush them underfood, smash their noses in, impale their heads upon a pike and mount it on the tower wall. But this is my very soul I am impaling there, the essence of my heart. Block, the inability to proceed, signals not a defect but a wound exposed; and curiously in our wounds lie our divinity...healing comes from tenderness. Embrace the wounds, wash them, bandage them with loving care...
- Sophy Burnam
"Take your main fear about living more of your creative dreams and describe it in detail." - SARK!
“I must learn to love the fool in me - the one who feels too much, talks too much, takes too many chances, wins sometimes and loses often, lacks self-control, loves and hates, hurts and gets hurt, promises and breaks promises, laughs and cries.”
- Theodore Isaac Rubin (American Writer and psychiatrist)
To phrase this as an affirmation, it could read, "Little by little, day by day, and moment by moment as I remember, I am loving the fool in me - the one who feels too much, talks too much, takes too many chances, wins sometimes and loses often, lacks self-control, loves and hates, hurts and gets hurt, promises and breaks promises, laughs and cries.”
More Affirmations
I enjoy the confidence of following my heart.
I enjoy the gift of the Creator's confidence in me, flowing through my words and actions.
I totally accept and love myself as an imperfect but loving and making efforts parent.
I forgive myself for mistakes I have made in parenting.
I enjoy the blossoms of friendship and the luscious fruits they yield into.
I Trust
I trust the universe is assisting me and surrrounding me with compassion and help
I trust my inner resources and outer resources to guide me for my next steps towards worthy goals
I am good company.
I crack myself up.
I have a funny and good relationship with moi, myself, and I.
You are like apple blossoms - giving life to all on your path.
I am open to the surprise goodness and beauty in people that don't fit societal norms of beauty - today especially honoring women larger than the U.S. societal norm.
To my body, after closing my eyes and breathing deep:
I love you with all of your perfections and imperfections.
I trust in the process that leads my family to a location and activities that will be best for us. I am greatful for the Creator's connections for our future, and for all the good people we have met.
I am grateful for the gifts of the Creator within and without.
I enjoy the freedom, clarity and confidence of taking care of my happiness and heart longings.
I enjoy the freedom of taking care of my emotions, and containing, expressing, comforting and/or balancing them according to the needs of the moment.
I say yes to this life here. Even though I suffer at times with the pain of not knowing how to negotiate some communication with others or with ego stumbles or lack of confidence, I totally love and accept myself.
I say yes to apple blossoms.
I trust. I trust my Spirit, my emotions, my body, my breath, this universe amongst the millions of universes, the Source of apple blossoms, and your power to create affirmations too.
I continue to trust when I stop trusting.
It is fabulous to have an embracing relationship within oneself. And to make love with the Creator through reading, prayer and reflection.
I am following the hints around me and within me, those subtle hints the color of dawn and I have the courage to be new versions of what I thought of as myself as I keep climbing.
I am open to the best direction for my family - one fulfilling, satisfying, helping our growth on all levels and allowing maximum service for what we can offer in our lfe mandala now. This or something more inspired.
I take time to tend the plants of my deepest dreams.
I can w/effort, follow a wonderful path and schedule times and enjoy making plans for creative dreams to manifest of writing, theater, teaching, etc...
I am refining my focus so my energy can manifest.
My eyes are open and hands ready to do what needs to be done to open doors for financial stabiity and prosperity in our lives.
* * * Questions
What are your needs and how can you fill them with ease and trust? What is in your heart? What else do you want to say?
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
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“I must learn to love the fool in me - the one who feels too much, talks too much, takes too many chances, wins sometimes and loses often, lacks self-control, loves and hates, hurts and gets hurt, promises and breaks promises, laughs and cries.”
- Theodore Isaac Rubin (American Writer and psychiatrist)
I like this!
To answer the questions at the end of your post here, one of my pressing needs is acceptance, and support. I'm not really getting that from my family. They roll their eyes at my "crazy" ideas, or tell me I'm foolish or not thinking clearly. Maybe instead of wanting acceptance from them, I need to work on showing acceptance to them - accepting that they will never truly understand my point of view, but they do still love me. Maybe that will make it easier for me.
How are you lately? It's been about 3 months since you posted. Hope you're OK.
EFT works well when accompanied with set up phrases which start with "Even though...". You can read more about how it is done through the eft training manual or to view actual demonstration, join the EFT training.
Sari, reading back (so belatedly, I apologize) I thought your comment about showing acceptance to family vs expecting it from them was mature. This seems to be an intriguing wisdom - to appreciate other people's good points (or pointt) when their personalities and focuses (if that is a word) are so different than ours.
Thely, thanks, belatedly, for the links! Claudia
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