Sunday, June 15, 2008


It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood...

Affirmation for today:

I love being a being

Frank Corner: Yesterday I wrote about my morning ritual, which sometimes includes breathing into my heart, to see what remnants of events and interractions linger there. I realized today, as I did this practice, that when breathing into the heart, it is not only letting go, and loving what is there. It is spending a moment there with whatever one finds. (Sort of like going to the bathroom regularly, but for the emotions and soul).

Yesterday I was in excellent form and quite happy, but later in the afternoon I numbed out, went to a thrift store shopping and then was in a bad mood. Today I doodled while reflecting on an awkward moment yesterday with someone, someone I felt criticized by. I think this was what started "bumming me out." As I doodled, even giving it those few doodle seconds, I gained clarity on what was going on, and compassion for the young man, and learning about my part, which included seeing that I could have faced the "criticism" with humility. I also saw I would like to be more assertive in such a situation, and tell the person my perspetive too.

I sometimes think that this learning gets cut short by people being busy, and then they can get clogged up with all this unprocessed angst. I recall once going to Lake Panajatchel in Guatemala after a break-up with my boy-friend in 1978, and looking out at the lake, reflecting on years and years of my life and relationships. I guess we can have (make)vacations at Lake Atitlan (or our favorite lake, at least in our minds) daily where we unwind, learn, and enjoy. It was so green there at Lake Atitlan, and the people wore such fabulous colors!

Have a wonderful day. May your drain be clean with great flow. Claudia

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